
6412 Laurel Avenue
Mountain Mesa, California 93240

General Surgery

Providing Care For 26 Years

The Kern Valleys Health District Surgery Department has provided care for our area residents and visitors for some 26 years. Our knowledgeable staff is dedicated to providing quality patient care in a friendly, personal setting. Our overall objective is to give you, the patient, all the information and education we are able to about your treatment and diagnosis. This leads to a much higher level of satisfaction and comfort across your entire experience.

With an on-site anesthesia provider, we ensure you sleep comfortably throughout your entire procedure; compared to other surgery centers that may offer conscious sedation or “twilight sleep”. Your complete comfort during your visit to the Kern Valley Hospital Surgery Department is our highest priority.

Talk to your Physician about the convenience of having your procedure done here at the Kern Valley Hospital. Here is a list of some of the procedures we are scheduling: General Surgery, Gynecological Surgeries & Procedures, Podiatry, Gastroenterology – including Colonoscopy & EGD, Out Patient Infusion, and more.

Our Skilled Physicians

doctor thumb at Kern Valley Health District

John Buxton, M.D.

General Surgery

doctor thumb at Kern Valley Health District

Holly Spohn, D.P.M.


Travis Johnson scaled e1650482924960 at Kern Valley Health District

Travis Johnson, CRNA

Surgery Manager

Ready to dive in? Get your free quote today.