6412 Laurel Avenue
Mountain Mesa, California 93240
The below resources are here to help you find the answer to our most common questions. Please review the information below and utilize our helpful sections/links to your left for faster searching. Kern Valley Health District aims to provide world-class healthcare to the Kern River Valley.
Access our patient forms.
Authorization Form – Click to Download
Authorization form to receive copies of medical records.
Consent to Treat Form – Click to Download
Authorization for third-party to consent to treatment of a minor lacking capacity to consent.
Managing your health through our patient portal.
After a visit to Kern Valley Hospital, you will automatically receive an email with instructions on how to create your MyCareCorner profile.
Migrate your account in 3 simple steps:
Each health system has its own electronic health record system so this does not provide access to your health information at other hospitals and clinics.
Information you have entered in the Patient Portal is not visible to your physician.
Our admitting staff is here to help you through the registration process for all our hospital services.
Please have your insurance and photo identification cards available and any co-pay amounts that may be due at the time of service.
For Outpatient services, the admitting staff will verify the patient’s insurance eligibility, benefits, and patient financial responsibility at the time of registration. For Emergency room visits this step will wait until after the doctor has completed the medical screening.
If you are coming for services (Physical Therapy, CT, Ultrasound, etc.) that require authorization, a referral must be submitted to your insurance company by your PCP (primary care provider).
Please be advised that each time you receive services at KVHD, you must sign a new consent form.
Download our Community Health Assessment – Click Here
You may also request a paper copy in person: Deborah Hess, Public Affairs / Marketing Manager By e-mail: deborahhess@kvhd.org By phone: 760 379 5257 Ext 24
The Social Services Department at Kern Valley Hospital helps individuals, couples and families cope with social, psychological, cultural and medical issues resulting from illness. The Social Work Department also helps patients fully utilize medical care and services by:
Social Workers may help patients with advance directives and other long-term care issues. They assure that patients’ medically related emotional and social needs are met and maintained throughout their medical treatment.
Manager Irina Diaz – (760) 379-2681 ext. 211
Hours of Operation: 8:30am – 4:30pm | Monday – Friday